Contact Info
Simon is the leader of our business although most of the time you'll find him working on a quote or risk management program with our brokers.
[email protected]083 635 9543Simon Colman
I am known to most in the financial services sector in South Africa as the “Liability Guy”, a moniker that has stuck with me over the years as I have built my personal brand as a liability insurance specialist.
There are three things in business that I am passionate about. Firstly the impact of pure leadership – something that I’ve been privileged to experience as both an employee, and as a part of executive management at various companies. I’ve seen how poor leadership can kill a great business and also how great leadership can lift a struggling business –I know which camp I’d rather be in.
Secondly, given that I’ve spent over 30 years in the liability underwriting space, I have become extremely passionate about the ways in which specialist insurance touches on so many areas of every day life. I’ve come to realise that it’s not just about an insurance policy’s ability to pay claims – it’s about how the various types of liability cover enable businesses and professionals to thrive – to fulfil their ultimate purpose. Nothing moves, gets designed or created, without the right coverage in place. This is the main reason why you’ll often see me speaking at industry functions or talking to the media regardless of whether it is print, radio or TV. I believe in the value of specialist risk management and coverage and take every opportunity to educate the public about the critical role both of these play in everyday life.
In the latter part of my career, I came to realise that technology and artificial intelligence, would play a massive, insightful role in helping insurance professionals protect their clients. It is now possible to digitally empower brokers with a combination of the skills of exposure analysis, risk management and coverage selection no matter where they are, and at any hour of the day. What a time to be alive!
I’ve spent the most recent part of my life in the corporate space, where much of my experience revolved around building and leading teams of professionals in various specialist insurance classes (Directors and Officers, Crime, Cyber, Liability and Professional Indemnity to name but a few). This corporate experience has helped me to live out my personal purpose “To inspire people by sharing ideas that bring about positive change”.
Over the past few years I came to the conclusion that my passion for digital technology in the specialist insurance space would probably only realise its true potential if I moved outside of the comfortable corporate world and into the start-up universe. This culminated in me resigning from my executive position in June 2022 and taking up the role of CEO at The Liability Company, an underwriting agency started by the late Ken van Sweeden (who also happened to be an old friend and former colleague). I have every intention of building a professional team, seeing this business grow into a sustainable source of insurance coverage and a forming a meaningful part of the South African economy.
You can also catch me searching for rising stars as the Head Judge “Dread” in the Insurance Apprentice.